Due to the recently announced Ontario stay at home order, all gatherings at the chapel are suspended until further notice. This includes our regular services as well as social gatherings, coffee, breakfasts, etc. 

We encourage everyone to join us on Zoom for Worship Service at 9:30 Sunday mornings and for Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday evenings at 7:00. The Zoom link is below. 7053366289?pwd= bWQ0a3lHdFpEUEZ3OUVKRDQwR3JkZz 09
Meeting ID: 705 336 6289
Passcode: 4AcRj9

We will continue to publish recorded messages of speakers on YouTube Sunday morning at 11:00.

Here is the link to the YouTube channel: channel/ UCDYPSg8Cf6zDj1ui146RQXQ 

Thank you for your understanding until we can meet again in person.

Yours in Christ,

The Elders

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